Gabriela Barbieri Headshot


My work addresses the complexity of emotions that relates to viewing human forms. Originating from insecurities with my own body image, diagnosed dyslexia, and a strict Christian background; my early work abstracts the human form symmetrically and with mathematical precision in attempt to hide the body and make the viewer more comfortable. I began with two-dimensional media, mainly photography. Using my dyslexia as an advantage, I hid the sensual-ness of the figure by manipulating the photo until one could not tell what existed at first glance. 

I have since transferred my imagery into three dimensional materials; primarily wood, glass and metal.

This evolution offered new topics for consideration and initiated new ways of making.
With the expanded parameters of acceptance and increased use of confrontational imagery within the art world, I find comfort in being able to blatantly show erotic body parts to address such topics as rape, a human need to use and to be used, and the perplexity of human relationships.  
Thus, now I reference the body as a form and use that to create usable objects.

Two balls in black and tan with lids
A tan ball with a hollow center and a black lid beside it