Elizabeth Reed headshot


Weaving is the focus of my artistic practice and derives from my need for organization and planning. The weaving process relies on careful planning so that the structure of the woven cloth can be built. Each weaving is manifested through a system of organization. I start planning the piece by designing the woven structure; selecting the correct yarns, colors and patterns; and then beginning the process of dressing the loom one thread at a time. The planning and physical labor are immediately visible within each step of the process. Weaving cloth deeply satisfies my need to precisely execute the vision in my mind. I use natural textile materials and dyes to give my work a quiet. and serene feeling, evoking self-reflection and human connection in the viewer. Through the meditative and therapeutic processes of weaving, I create works that are both comforting and approachable, composing an intimacy between the art and the viewer. I use embellishments, patterns and a limited color pallet to provoke a subtle emotional response, encouraging moments of reflection leading to a better understanding of ourselves, one another, and the ways in which we are connected.

Two textiles hanging by Elizabeth Reed