Myriam Suchet standing in front of a blurred outdoor background in black and white
Visiting Artist

Myriam Suchet searches and gets lost a lot. (To A: probably a sign that there is no road nor need for a journey, after all … ) Translating from French to frenches is her way of exploring side lanes where research, action and creation meet up, especially in a collective farm where she now lives and also at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University (Paris 3), where she teaches and orchestrates the Centre for Quebec Studies. Her PhD in Humanities (Concordia University, Montreal) / Doctorat de littérature comparée (Lille 3, France) dealt with post-colonial literature written simultaneously in various tongues and borrowed the notion of heterolingualism from both Naoki Sakai and Rainier Grutman. A first step of this research was published in 2009, under the title “Outils pour une traduction postcoloniale” (Archives Contemporaines, Paris). Since then, Suchet has published three books: L’Imaginaire hétérolingue (Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2014), Indiscipline ! (Montréal, Nota Bene, 2016) and L’Horizon est ici (Rennes, Éditions du Commun, 2019) and committed several “hors formats,” such as a kit to unlearn any tongue, and also a treelike website you are most invited to navigate.

Photo by Christophe Péan