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Affirmative Action Q&A

In the face of the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action, which has stirred a nationwide conversation among colleges and universities, the University of the Arts remains unwavering in its commitment to Integrity and Diversity. We firmly believe that a rich tapestry of backgrounds and perspectives strengthens our educational environment, and we will continue to champion these values in our institutional policies and practices.


Review UArts' statement in response to the summer 2023 ruling at

What is Affirmative Action?

Affirmative action is a policy created to increase the representation of certain designated groups, often including ethnic minorities and women, within a societal context where they have been historically marginalized or underrepresented. This has typically been implemented in areas such as employment, government, and education.

How is UArts currently approaching admissions, absent of Affirmative Action?

We are steadfastly upholding our mission to advance human creativity by recruiting and retaining all students, particularly historically marginalized and underrepresented. This commitment underscores our dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. Every student admitted to UArts has fulfilled our stringent audition/portfolio review requirements, a testament to their talent and potential. We have reviewed the implications of the Court's decision, and have ensured that our processes are fully compliant.

Does the ruling affect UArts’ core value of Integrity and Diversity?

Colleges and universities possess the distinct autonomy to shape and define their missions, irrespective of the ruling handed down by the Supreme Court. In this light, the University of the Arts remains steadfastly committed to our mission's core values, particularly Integrity and Diversity.

How will UArts uphold its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in light of the decision?

Our commitment to advancing DEIA continues, anchored by our five foundational pillars of success. We invite you to view our progress with inclusion and diversity initiatives by visiting our website at

What resources are available to students and families who might be concerned about the Supreme Court ruling?

The DEIA Committee at our institution is committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, ensuring that our students feel valued. We actively encourage an open dialogue and would be pleased to connect with our community so they can express their views or suggestions. To arrange a meeting or share feedback, kindly contact us at